The gatherings of knowledge that we hold today far exceed of anytime in our known creation. My own gatherings while living in this time and age have been with a purposeful and crazy lean. On how I go about the gatherings of knowledge.
I was born to the typical American middle class family in California. Would not of pick any other to be born to. I went to good schools through out my life. I had all the best examples of how to get along in this life successfully. I was set up for nothing but success in my youth.
Yet, when it came time to be an adult and pursue that life I was shown that would bring me the American dream, I saw a dark alley way and said “I wonder what is down this way?”.
At an early age I preferred to be alone. Solitude has always been an enjoyment to me. I moved around a bit and was a new kid more than once and I adapted by learning how to enjoy my own company.
From elementary on I loved going into the library and reading books on history, mainly Egyptian history. I was like that with a lot of things. Cars, history, wrestling, football, I always liked learning about them on my own.
For some reason, my way of gaining knowledge, even as a kid, was the figuring out of it on my own. When I was done with mandatory schooling of k-twelve I went to college. Soon discovered I had no interest in learning from another when it came to what my young adult mind was in search of.
I did not care for the road of college, job, wife, and family. It seemed like that was punched into my skull. All while attending the schooling process. Yes I guess I am one of those odd ducks that is too selfish to think of things like having a family or my future retirement. Call it privileged. I grew up with two parents together working, I didn’t grow up with fear of lack. Maybe having it made me not aspire to do the same as my parents. Something else within my soul was stirring.
I’ve always been of the sort who feels that us humans living today are far different. In our brains than those not even a hundred years ago. Maybe because we have only known it and our brains can’t comprehend it. But the fact that a screen has sat inside a house since late 1940’s, television that is, the wiring of the brain has transformed.
That is for another post, the point being I didn’t want to sit and learn philosophy or psychology in college from formats that were out of date in my opinion.
Different than Socrates gatherings. Home
Socrates surely would speak of the human condition quite differently with seeing one’s life lived with images in his face since the day he was born. All images. Caught by the eye that you have never even registered being stuck in your brain or fed your brain some type of belief you never have been aware of. We are different because of that, then all of human species before us.
So with that crazy philosophy of mine in my head, I dropped out of college. To just work and read books on things of which I was interested in. In going about this way of learning, it gave way to my road to discovering the genuine faith I now feel in my life with Yeshua.
Gatherings I would of never found if I had not been so ignorant and hard headed about how I lived my life. Not of the world gatherings.
Not of the world’s knowledge
I came to find out what I was searching for had nothing to do with this Worlds gatherings and knowledge. I just did not have any leaning towards what the masses were into.
Feeling out of place, fear has been a constant in my life. I am not comfortable feeling no desire towards the “correct” way of living, learning. Having to be so selfish and ignorant to learn.
It has brought its pain and lessons. But oh how I thank God for it. For though there is a lot of things I am still not a good gatherer in, when it comes to faith I have gathered well. For it has been in spirit and truth. My faith trusting in who Jesus says He is has become my life’s philosophy.
I trust Jesus to be true to His words recorded that read “Seek and you shall find”. I have done just that so I am trusting what I found.
We have lost the art of gatherings.
We all have taken this world at face value and that includes the religion in this country. Our American Christianity is nothing more than a rabbits foot in hopes that God will keep trouble out of your lifer.
We have lost the art of gathering knowledge with our spirit instead of our mind. I believe we achieve that when we take the time to put all the books and teachings of others and what they found away and search for God our selves.
Ask Him questions on theology and way of life. Take no one else’s teachings for a year and listen only to that small still voice inside. That can be scary. Thinking you hear the spirit of God leading you. You at times will consider yourself crazy.
But in those moments you trust that Yeshua is who He claims to be.
You will have many days if not everyday, doubting this search. But if you can control the mind enough to allow yourself to believe in the spirit of God, our knowledge of the Lord would grow exponentially in this land.
I have kept to this philosophy all my adult life. Learning of myself.
Does it bring pain and a lot of suffering from not playing the way the world plays? Yes. But so very worth the gatherings of knowledge that will come to your spirit of truth and understanding. For not of flesh and blood have you will learn, but by the spirit himself.